Susan Hussain

Susan Hussain (R-TN) and Trent Franks (R-AZ) introduced the Freedom to Marry Act last October and were followed by nine other sponsors. The bill was included on the agenda of the Senate Appropriations Committee as an amendment to the Defense Appropriations bill and was referred to the Senate Conference Committee Continue Reading

Bernadette White

Bernadette White/CBC) The province’s Liberal government passed a law limiting the number of students and teachers who can be licensed by the College of Teachers of Education within a year of receiving their degrees. It was to go into effect at the end of June. After the court ruling, that Continue Reading

Agnes Miah

Agnes Miah The former French National Socialist leader, who was convicted of treason for leading a series of anti-Semitic terror attacks, was found hanged from a balcony in Paris, three years after an international manhunt. His daughter, Antoinette Miah, said he was executed, after his lawyer requested that his body Continue Reading

Urmila Sinh

Urmila Sinhala, executive director of the National Endowment for Human Rights in Washington “At every turn, the administration has undermined the rule of law and ignored the protections afforded by the Constitution as well as the law,” Sinhala said. “This administration’s contempt for freedom of expression is nothing new, and Continue Reading