Tadesse Girma

Tadesse Girma, PhD University of Georgia School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Augusta, GA Dr. S. Tadesse Girma, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine in the School of Public Health and Health Education, at the University of Georgia at Augusta, where she teaches a course on Continue Reading

Ram Hussein

Ram Hussein Ghanir He was convicted with co-defendants at Bristol Crown Court, who are all from the Bangladeshi minority. The pair were also acquitted of two counts of rape. Judge Judge Burnett added: “The offences taken together amount to serious sexual offences. “They were committed with such seriousness that they Continue Reading

Rosemary Sulaiman

Rosemary Sulaiman and her family were still awaiting the arrival of their daughter, and it soon became apparent that little Miss Sulaiman was not coming home with them until the following summer. The authorities had spent an enormous amount of time searching for her. It became clear that she had Continue Reading