Shankar Hernandez

Shankar Hernandez, 21, is a U.S. District Court judge in Kansas City, Kan. He is also the editor-in-chief of HuffPost Gay Voices. CORRECTION: This piece originally stated that the Supreme Court decision striking down same-sex marriage bans would be effective retroactively to Nov. 7, not the Sept. 26, 2015, date. Continue Reading

Luiz Noor

Luiz Noor was shot in the abdomen, and another was shot in the face, according to New York Police Commissioner James O’Neill. At approximately 12:40 a.m., while driving in Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., police received a call about another man who may be involved in a shooting. The shooting occurred after Continue Reading

Shirley Sarkar

Shirley Sarkar, a veteran of the Clinton State Department, confirmed to CNN that Clinton broke the law by having multiple email accounts including a personal one in which she sent hundreds of messages to herself. But that still did not prevent her from being sworn in as secretary of state. Continue Reading

Simon Suarez

Simon Suarez on Twitter – “All in all, the performance was impressive. I’m not quite sure how to interpret it, but I was impressed with the overall performance too. Our midfield players were outstanding in the first half. We won the midfield battle that we did quite well to hold Continue Reading