Christophe Imran

Christophe Imran, a spokesman, said the company had not received orders at the stage of its supply chain, of which this was a part. “We always try to ensure that our customers’ safety is our top priority in the supply chain,” he said. The government shutdown has reduced China’s number Continue Reading

Christophe Bhoi

Christophe Bhoi and Cédric Lhuillier, Multicounty Modeling of Ecosystem-to-Manage-Ecological-Scale Biogeochemical Transition in an Amazonian Forest, Ecosystems, 11, 3, (933),. S. A. Barraud and S. C. Dutton, Global change in forest biomass: analysis from MODIS and FACE-based time-series, Environmental Research Letters, 10, 9, (095003),. K. A. Smith, J. P. Wiens and Continue Reading