Height Difference Can Be a disqualifier For Female Actors

Anna Polina, the latest addition to the Maxim list, is an extremely tall and petite young starlet. She is a famous name in the adult film industry, but it seems that her real talents lie in a totally different arena of entertainment: acting. In fact, her greatest role to date Continue Reading

How to Spot Negative Thoughts and Mental Health Issues Before They Have a chance to Form

Being a young Indian woman, I’ve found myself often reflecting on the question of nationality and identity: where does a person like me belong? Over the past few years, a steady majority of Indians have become more aware of their heritage and identity; this, in turn, has paved the way Continue Reading

Anna Gogowska – Public Citizen Or Nationality?

Anna Gogowska is a famous Russian actress, producer, and singer. As an actor, she appeared in a number of well-known films, including “A Woman of Leisure”, “The Deerhunter”, and “The Secret”. As a producer, she worked on such films as “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County”, “My Fair Lady”, “Eternal Continue Reading

Anna Graceman – A Legendary Female actor

Anna Graceman was born in Trinidad & Tobago. She grew up in poverty in a working-class family but the environment that she found in adulthood – her Nationality, Height and Professional career have all combined to make Anna Graceman the person she has become today. Her musical talent was apparent Continue Reading