Surendra Mensah


Surendra Mensah, 37 years old, married Mohammad Mansour, a 24 year old former policeman. They had three children together: Doraan, who was born in 2006, and Mohammed, who was born in 2014.

According to her Facebook account, Ansari (whose name cannot be independently verified) is the one who is the โ€œofficialโ€ mother of her children. Ansari also told the New York Times that he loves his two children dearly and would never harm them.

However, Ansari (an Islamic preacher who is accused of spreading anti-Christian hate) appeared to be an exception. On several occasions, Christian groups in Libya have reported that he is the father of the children, and at least once he admitted it. Ansari claimed that he was married to a Muslim, but the Islamic organization, the Islamic Association of the National Movements, reported his marriage to be โ€œnull and void and invalidโ€. On his Facebook, Ansari also posted a picture of the Christian children saying that they were his own โ€œchildren and grandchildrenโ€. He also took this photo:

Another post on Ansariโ€™s account showed him posing with children, a white-haired woman in a checkered headscarf (a common symbol against Islam) and a black-haired woman in black turban.

Mansour, on the other hand, is a former police officer, with a reputation as a devout Muslim. He claims to be married with a two-year-old child and his parents both are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide Islamist organization active in many countries. Mansour was appointed Libyaโ€™s interior minister in 2016 after the countryโ€™s 2011 uprising against Gaddafi, and was seen as having an active role in the overthrow of Gaddafi in 2011.

It is unknown if Ansari is still a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and has been married since 2014, as the account is set up with the name Ansari.

Surendra Mensah

Location: Osaka , Japan
Company: Auchan Holding