Success for Women in Senior Citizens Programs


Paola Santerini is an award winning writer and speaker. In the book, Women of Power, she speaks about her path toward success as a woman of power and teaches readers to do the same. However, one of the most interesting things that she discusses in that book is that some of the greatest women in history have been completely self-employed. In this day and age, when a woman has the opportunity to be a stay-at-home-mom, it seems that being a breadwinner for the family may no longer be a possibility. That is why I find it absolutely fascinating that she claims that many of these older ladies have achieved their goals in spite of not being a breadwinner, as it so often happens with women today.

Today, many women are working in careers that do not require a great deal of financial investment, such as the fast food restaurant business, or the retail store business. Indeed, there are a great many women who work from home, and yet are able to achieve the heights of success that they are capable of. Of course, it is possible for a woman to make a decent living wage working in a career that does require a certain level of financial investment. However, the fact remains that most people nowadays have a difficult time making enough money to survive even with a second income to supplement the one they have already got. The only other way to make a dent in the financial situation these days is to get a second job, or even go into a career that requires a great deal more financial backing.

What I find fascinating about the way Paola Santerini promotes the idea that some of these older ladies have achieved their success despite not being breadmakers, is that she does not focus on the reasons why some women were not able to โ€œmake itโ€. That makes a lot more sense. There is no reason to believe that Mother Nature was concerned about these women, or that bad luck was their friend. If you want to achieve greatness as a breadwinner, and if you want to be in a position to provide for your family as well, then you need to start looking at the reasons why you are not living up to your maximum potential. In the case of the elderly ladies mentioned by Paola Santerini, some of the reasons may include having a disability, not being physically fit, not really believing in yourself, and others.
