Strange Fashion Trends For a 2021 Summer Fashion


One of the strangest fashion trends I have seen in a while is all across the city of Los Angeles. In my area strange fashion trends are a big thing, and they’re taking place all across the city. A few years ago I ran into a friend in the mall who was wearing a pink corduroy blouse with a white blouse underneath that looked like an oversize coat. It was so weird I asked him what he was doing, and he said “just following a trend.” I asked why and he said “just follow fashion.” Well that is exactly the reason why you should be careful when choosing your next outfit.

Los Angeles is truly a unique city, in that it is filled with a plethora of people from various backgrounds and walks of life. What this means is that everyone dresses differently. This also means that everyone is following their own personal fashion, and not necessarily someone else’s. Some people can wear the most outrageous outfits, but they still cannot see themselves wearing them because they live in a fantasy world, not reality.

So if you are in the mood for a good time, take a drive through Hollywood and check out some of the weirdest fashions. But keep in mind that you must be able to identify which pieces of clothing are real, and which are fakes. Only then can you begin to enjoy yourself and maybe even get the chance to meet the next vapid celebrity.
