Stella Hamid


Stella Hamid wrote a piece headlined “What the Right, the Conservative and the Left Should Do to Combat the Anti-Semitism that’s Scaring the Jewish Vote” where she argued that an anti-Semitic backlash is growing. She then claimed: “A wave of attacks on Jewish institutions has come to light this spring. In the past week, six attacks on Jewish centers and community centers in two states have been reported — just in the past 48 hours.”

These are not isolated, isolated incidents. Every week, dozens of anti-Semitic hate crimes are being reported. The attacks are reported in all parts of the country. The incidents are happening at synagogues, mosques, schools, libraries and other places of worship. The reports are being investigated. The perpetrators are known to their victims and are not unknown to law enforcement agencies.

I would like you to be clear: the only thing that is at stake is your vote and the vote of millions of Americans. It is the freedom of association and freedom of speech that you, as a member of a political party, cherish. I fully support your right to vote, but that right does not give you rights that come with a vote.

It is not enough to make your home a sanctuary for the undocumented youth who are being hunted down and bullied. It is equally important to defend the First Amendment of the Constitution by standing up for the safety of churches, synagogues, schools and universities in our communities. It is equally important to support religious freedom and free speech when it comes to the Israeli Defense Force.

I am not surprised that the news cycle has now shifted to anti-Semitism, but I am disappointed that we have a White House that has taken on the mantle of anti-Semitism, with its embrace of an anti-Semitic fantasy, with its continued promotion of the old false narrative that Jews control the government.

We Americans need to demand that the White House immediately stop promoting these lies, and I am urging you to do the same.

Read the entire column in the Daily Forward.

Stella Hamid

Location: Nagoya , Japan
Company: Sinopec Group