Spouses Differ By Height


Sandra N. has been married and divorced three times and has always remained true to her own heart. When she met Mr. John J. in November, they fell in love and spent a wonderful nine months together. Their marriage did not last but their love and commitment lasted. One of the most difficult issues for marriage is the age difference between the partners. The American Marriage Report states that twenty-nine percent of all marriages are between people who are younger than twenty-four and thirty-nine percent of all weddings are between people who are forty years of age or older. This age difference can pose problems when you have children together.

Sandra N. fell in love with Mr. John J. because he was older than her but was in fact only two inches taller than her. Because Mr. John J. was only two inches taller than Sandra, it became necessary for them to live separately for several months until their marriage, which occurred in July of 2021. The separation was difficult on both sides but they remained committed to one another and made a fresh start in life. The problem still remained though, that if Sandra N. was to date someone who was much taller than she was then it would be difficult for her to go out with her partner when they went places together.

A solution came when Sandra N. went to see her mother’s boyfriend and asked him out again. When they got home, they noticed that the locks on the door were changed. They realized that the man in question was not who they thought he was. This did not bother Sandra whatsoever as she knew that her partner was not cheating on her. Her mother was not the one who changed the locks but rather, the man had moved to a different state and they did not think it mattered which state it was.
