Spanish Nationality – How Can I Claim ‘Italian’ Or ‘Belgian’ Status When I Am Not Of Spanish Descent?


In 2021, Francesca White was the subject of an outstanding news story that captivated the nation. Ms. White, a nationalistic British citizen, was accused of faking her age and being a terrorist by the British National Party (BNP). The NNP leader at the time, Nick Griffin, claimed that Ms. White was an international terrorist who posed as a British national while trying to hide out in Spain. His party claimed that Francesca had admitted to faking her age and being a national while on a Spanish island. Though the charges against Ms. White were eventually dropped, the damage was already done.

Today, it is very difficult to find an elderly person with a British passport whose real age is not over 70 years old. In many cases, people with British nationality can appear to be younger than they really are by virtue of their occupation or their appearance. For example, a nurse with a fake middle name can claim to be aged 65 and can live as a British national by dressing as a nurse. A taxi driver who claims to be a ‘Polish national’ can legally drive in the UK even if he does not have a Polish Passport.

The problem with using ‘aged gracefully’ or ‘iledigently’ as your age is that your age is now going to be scrutinised by somebody who has seen you all your life. If you have lied about your age on a Spanish island, or even committed a crime in another country, the effects will be felt forever. By continuing to claim to be working in the UK when you’re ineligible, you run the risk of being arrested and found guilty. If you have any long term plans to relocate to Spain or another Spanish speaking country, then it’s advisable to consult a foreign lawyer as soon as possible, preferably before your application for Spanish citizenship is made.
