sorting Hat Quiz Tips – Choosing Your Hatter’s Hat Style


So you’ve made it to your first sorting hat party, now how do you know what outfit you’re going to wear? How do you know if the sorting hat you’re looking at has the right kind of hats for your body shape? The only way to avoid making a fool of yourself at this sort of party is to take a hat quiz. By taking a simple hat quiz you’ll get a good idea of what sortings hats look good on you, and which settings look bad on you.

To start with, have a think about your face shape. Do you have a square face, an oval face, a long nose, a wide forehead or a nose that’s short and round? If you think about it carefully, you’ll realize that lots of different sorting might look good on you, depending on what proportions you have. For instance, if you have a square face then you’ll want a hat that is going to take up a fair amount of space, otherwise you’ll look silly with lots of frills on your hair and on your face.

If you have an oval face then you’ll be able to choose from lots of options as well as wider varieties of hats. If you have a round face, then you’ll probably like a wider range of hats than if you had a square face. The point is to get a head accessory that suits your face shape. Taking a sorting hat quiz can help you achieve that.
