Some Of The Major Fashion Trends From 1977


Some Of The Major Fashion Trends From 1977

The year of 1977 saw a significant change in the fashion scenario as many women flocked to the beaches for summer. This included men who flocked in large numbers to try and get a look at all that the famous celebrities were wearing. Although this fad brought about a lot of positive attention for men, it also led to many fashion mistakes and embarrassments for women who happened to be wearing the same style of clothing as the celebrities. In this article we are going to take a look at some of the major fashion mistakes that women made during this era in fashion and hopefully one day in the future we can learn from these mistakes and avoid them.

One of the biggest mistakes that women made during this time period was wearing very simple and one piece swimsuits. The reason for this is because it was not considered a fashion statement as it was just practical clothing for swimming. The designers of the time did not realize that in order to be fashionable women should also know how to wear clothing that was practical as well. Women learned through experimentation and trial and error, what worked and what did not work. After this experimentation women were able to create both elegant and bold looks that were considered to be cutting edge. Even though it was considered to be trashy and uncool by most people at the time this fashion was widely accepted and was even criticized only by the few people who thought that the fashion was too “edgy” for the times.

Another fashion mistake that women made was imitating the designs of other cultures. This resulted in women trying to act and look like the women of the chosen culture that was popular at the time. The best way to avoid being labeled a fashion faux pas is to simply know your audience. Most of the mistakes that women make in fashion are due to their ignorance of what is trendy and what is not. Fashion trends are constantly changing, so you must be up to date on the latest trends and styles to have an advantage over those who are not.
