Socks Marina


Socks Marinas, which was born in 1975, was initially bought by the Coverstone clan from Pennsylvania. The original owner’s name was Jean Coverstone, and he would take his six children and their equipment down to the Potomac River to play in the small boat they called a Rappahannock. When was around four or five years old, his wife, Jean, would spend much time here at the beautiful lake in their old wooden canoe, playing, swimming, and waving at the Dixie Boat. It was here that the beautiful Jean would learn about the true meaning of friendship and care, as it took a while for her children to accept each other, and when their father left. It also took a while for them to feel each other’s absence, and as kids, it was common for some of them to purposely pick on each other in order to make fun of each other. One day, after Jean had picked a large log, and wiped it out with a piece of paper, and wiped it out with another piece of paper, on the way to the river to fish, her son asked her to throw it away, and promised never to do it again.

At that point, Jean just laughed and then asked them to give it to charity. Her son, however, refused, and since then it has grown into a tradition, as his friends give gifts to children at the yearly “Fashion for Children” Benefit Dinner. They give their children, also, such items as: boating gear, fishing lures and tackle, camping supplies, and swimwear, and give their children an opportunity to enjoy the fun of attending these benefit events, and the fabulous fashion show that takes place during the event. It is a good thing that children can appreciate the value of giving, and the beauty of fashion, and at the same time, it is a wonderful thing for them to have fun.

So next time you are watching TV, or shopping in a mall, look for the children wearing matching colored socks. It will brighten up their face, and they will smile and feel very proud of their friends. When you see one of your own children in the audience wearing matching socks, it will warm your heart. It is always a wonderful feeling to see our own family members participating in these types of events, and enjoying themselves.
