Socks for planters with fasciitis are one of the most important and oft overlooked home remedies for plantar fasciitis (again, the name for inflammation of the big toe). Any persistent foot pain can really be both a mental & physical drain, particularly if it limits your movement. Our best ankle support socks not only target common foot pain with their unique technology, they’ll get you moving again fast – literally. Wearing our compression socks for arch support with our specially designed compression stockings will instantly boost your blood and fluid flow, instantly alleviating pain & pressure – while also improving blood and lymph circulation throughout the body. These socks work by compressing the area under the arch to constrict and then firm the tissues, relieving pain and reducing inflammation. That’s the key!
We’ve used several pairs of socks for planters with fasciitis and we’ve found that the sock material acts as a great insulator to keep your foot warm. Our socks are made of super soft, comfortable cotton with a breathable poly blend that wicks away moisture, day and night. The anti-inflammatory properties help soothe inflammation, reducing pain while reducing the chance for re-infection. And since we use organic cotton we know that our socks are safe and free of chemicals or other harmful substances.
Compression socks for foot support are not just for those with plantar fasciitis – they’re a simple, no-nonsense way to get pain relief without resorting to costly and possibly dangerous surgery. Our socks are made using a special compression stock that provides a very gentle yet effective method of pain relief. If you want to make sure you’re getting the best in comfort, health, and protection, then it makes sense to try a pair!