Sock Knitting Machine For Sale At My House


Sock Knitting Machine For Sale At My House

This sock knitting machine for sale at my house is actually a Vintage Singer, which I have had in my family for over 50 years. It is a beautiful old machine that I just bought because I thought it was special and unique. It is a Singer sewing machine with a front loading feature. In the past the front loaders were really the only method to do this type of sewing. Since then they have been made many different types.

When I took possession of this machine, I made sure to look at pictures of all sides of it so that I could tell what it was like when it was brand new. I guess I got distracted and didn’t take enough notice of how old it was. If you are someone who likes the look and feel of a vintage Singer sewing machine you will love this post. I recently restored it myself and am sharing my results with you. It is a piece of history in every sense of the word.

This vintage sewing machine for sale at my house is my first post, I am going to restore another vintage sewing machine next. I will post another article soon about one that is even older than this one. This post may have a link to some of the sites where you can find vintage machines like this one, along with many other resources, so please check back often. I hope you enjoy the information I have for you.
