Snow Socks For Pickup Trucks


Snow Socks For Pickup Trucks

Snow socks, also known as snow boots or snow sandals, are fashionable footwear that usually come in a pair of three, often made of rubberized plastic with a Velcro closure to hold the toes. The name “snow sock” comes from the fact that socks made from snow, mostly melt and form into a snow sock when it freezes. While snow socks do provide some traction to a driver’s boot during heavy snow, they have not been popular footwear item for snow-driving vehicles for decades.

Snow socks aren’t usually made for larger vehicles like pickup trucks, since the large plow patterns don’t work well in terms of traction. Instead, snow socks are made of rubberized textile materials with an outer and inner layer of an elastomeric polymer bonded to each other. Many snow socks look and work exactly like snow boots, being designed with an open toe design to prevent slippage while driving in snow or ice. This feature is most useful in off-road conditions where one’s vehicle may be trapped in snow, causing damage to the floor of the truck.

Snow socks are made by several manufacturers, but the real innovation and technology come from snow chains, which provide traction beyond just the boots themselves. Snow chains are made of thick PVC plastic with an inner layer of foam attached to it. They offer a great deal of improved traction to any pair of snow socks, which can help truck drivers traverse treacherous conditions on their own and avoid damage to their cargo. Snow chains come in a variety of color options and styles, making them very attractive to most people.
