Sleeping With Socks On – Is it Fact Or Fiction?


Some people still believe that sleeping with socks on is going to cause them to get nightmares or other things like wearing wet socks is going to cure a cold. But there really is no real scientific proof that all of these are anything more than old wives’ tales. People are not going to believe that your socks are going to cause you to wake up in a cold or something like that. There is no reason at all to believe that this is going to happen. Many people feel that if it happened that way then they would know for sure that it did happen. That is why some people believe the crazy stories about socks and how they cause people to wake up in the morning.

So sleeping with socks on is just a superstition? No, it isn’t. Scientifically it doesn’t affect how you sleep, but it can make you cranky and irritable. This is because the material of the socks traps in heat, which makes you feel warm. In addition, it causes your feet to be warmer than they normally would be while sleeping.

If you think that it really does affect how well you sleep then you may try wearing your socks outside of sleeping for a few nights. Many people claim that their crankiness goes away. Also, sleeping in a cool room seems to help. Just keep in mind that you should let your feet breathe every night. Not letting your feet breathe can cause you to sleep in your socks for the night.
