Showjumping – Is Sofia Abramovich The Next Successful Famous Showjumper?


WHO IS Sofia Abramovich? Sofia is the young daughter of a former football player, actor, investment banker and Chelsea FC shareholder, Roman Abramovich. The younger sister of former Prime Minister of Romania Ioneta Sofia, she was born in Ukraine. She is half Romanian and half Ukrainian and has adopted a nom de plume of Marina Archdukeiu, the Princess of Romania.

Who is Sofia Abramovich then? The Nationality: Romanian. The height: 5′ 9″. The net worth: Over $7 million dollars.

So, who is Sofia Abramovich then? We see her on the internet, on Instagram, showing off her lavish life in New York City, including trips to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Museum of Art. We also see that she loves animals and has taken some time off from her job as an actress to be involved in raising funds for charities. But beyond this, we do not know much about the real Sofia Abramovich. If she is in fact the young daughter of a prominent Russian Billionaire, she could easily be one of the most famous members of the super-rich in the world today., the World Bank or the United Nations.

She may well become a world class showjumper, which means she is famous around the world. She already has a huge following of fans online, but she can only grow those numbers even further when she starts to win major acting awards at the Oscars and other prestigious shows of merit. If she does manage to gain a position at one of these organizations, she will become one of the biggest stars in the world, and everyone will want to be associated with her. She has a great natural beauty and she seems to have been blessed with a superb physique. She may well follow in the footsteps of other young actors and actresses who have gone on to become showjumping superstars such as Penelope Cruz and Keira Knightley, both of whom started out in their own respective careers as dancers before becoming famous on the big screen.
