Shoulder Pads – A Fashion Statement For Men


Shoulder pads have been a traditional part of every fashion-conscious man’s wardrobe. This is because it serves as a functional piece of garment that helps in creating a more streamlined silhouette. Apart, from being functional, such pieces also create a certain kind of style statement to the wearers. The various styles of shoulder pads that can be found in the market today can be considered as either retro or contemporary. Before actually making a selection of what kind of shoulder pad to go for, the following tips should be kept in mind:

Shoulder Pads – This is the most popular style of shoulder pads, since it does not have any real function other than to enhance one’s fashion statement. In fact, shoulder pads serve as one of the few fabrics that has survived the test of time, since they were first worn by the people during the 80s during the hip-hop fashion craze. Back then, shoulder pads were basically shaped as either a small triangle or small circle and were filled with cotton, wool or even sawdust.

In this modern day setting, shoulder pads have undergone a complete transformation. The fabrics used to make them have undergone several changes and have become more vibrant and fashionable. Nowadays, you can easily find a wide range of designs in shoulder pads ranging from those that are meant to cover the shoulder blades to those that are meant to rest on the shoulder blades themselves. There are shoulder pads that are available in organic cotton, downy fibers, linen, fur, suede, synthetic fibers, silk and velvet. Depending on your preferences, you could pick out the kind of fashion shoulder pad that you want.
