Should Your Socks Be Too Tight?


Should Your Socks Be Too Tight?

The question of whether socks should be too tight is one that should not be overlooked. If you are a female then you should really put some thought into how your feet are going to feel if they are wearing socks that are way too tight. The problem with most women is that when you get pregnant the skin on your feet can stretch out a lot and this stretches the skin on the bottom of your feet. This causes your skin on your feet to stretch too much, which makes it a lot more vulnerable to being damaged from rubbing against other parts of your body such as furniture.

Women who are going to be wearing tight socks are going to find that not only do they start to have problems with their feet becoming raw from rubbing but they can also have problems with their toes getting calloused. This is especially true in the case of women who wear compression stockings at the gym. When you wear a compression sock your skin is subject to constant compression and this causes your skin to stretch out more than usual. It is best for women who are going to be wearing compression stockings to use some sort of foot cream and to moisturize their feet after they finish working out as this will prevent any damage from occurring.

If you have an ingrown toenail then you are going to need to see your doctor as soon as possible because this is a very common condition among women. In fact it is estimated that around 25 percent of women will suffer from an ingrown toenail at some point during their pregnancy. Your doctor may suggest that you see him or her for a surgical treatment for your toenail but he or she may tell you to consider socks and compression stockings for prevention instead. Not only will this help to keep your toenails from getting any worse than they are now but it will also help to save you from potential embarrassment when you go to a social event.
