Should Compression Socks Be Worn to Bed?


When it comes to fashion, many people are confused as to whether or not compression socks should be worn to bed. For most people this would seem like a no-brainer, after all how can anyone possibly not wear something to bed? But despite this common sense some people still feel that the wearing of socks while sleeping might be a little too “fashion forward” for some tastes. They argue that such fashion accessories might actually constitute a fashion crime.

Such fashion critics might find it a bit hard to imagine what sort of crime a person might commit simply by wearing a certain piece of sleepwear. After all, if people are going to be making a point of dressing according to their fashion trends shouldn’t we expect that they will also be decorating their own beds in a way that falls within the accepted boundaries of that particular fashion trend? After all, if someone is going to dress according to a particular trend they might as well wear whatever they want while they are doing it right? And while we’re on the topic of trends, surely those who are decorating their beds in a manner which is considered to be “in” during a given time period wouldn’t it make sense that they would wear the clothing they are wearing while they are sleeping?

And if so then surely those who are making a case for the “crime” of fashion might have a point. After all, if the purpose of wearing these types of accessories is to create a certain type of fashion statement then surely someone who is trying to create such a fashion statement by dressing according to a certain trend would surely be committing a fashion crime. However there are some fashion critics who believe that the wearing of compression socks might actually fall under the category of fashion. After all, if someone is going to dress according to a certain style they might as well do so while they are sleeping right? And while the debate rages on between those who support the wearing of such sleepwear accessories and those who are against it, the only thing that you can do is purchase what you like. As long as it works for you it’s all good.
