Short Skirts Fashion Trend – Are They Still Popular?


The trend for long skirt fashion trend was established by the 60’s generation in the United States of America. At that time short skirts are not in style but there was still an attraction towards the short skirt styles. The major impact came from the punk subculture. Due to this fashion trend, many women were attracted to this fashion and this made the short skirts very popular among women of that era.

The outcome was: In 34 years, long skirt styles were long mini skirt, mini skirt and short skirt. Fashion trend cycles of short skirt duration decreased for a decade and then a new fashion trend dawned, to shorten the skirt length. Skirt length & material index directly related positively and negatively and short skirt length & material index directly relate positively and negatively. The women who wore mini skirts had high figure and were attractive but women who wore long skirt had low figure and were not so attractive.

After the short skirt fashion trend died down, the long skirts also gained popularity. Skirts lengths once again became in fashion trend again. Women wanted to wear skirts that are shorter and they wanted to wear skirts that are more elegant. However women who want to wear skirts that are too long need to take the following tips into consideration.
