Secrets of Being a Professional Woman in the Ladies Golf Association


Francesca Golfetto was known as “The Queen of Spain’s Golf”, and she has held the title of “Federador del Paseo” or Grand Master in Spanish, this title earned her the nickname, “Queen of Spain’s Boots”. She is a professional member of the Ladies French Golf Association, which is well known for its strict code of dress. Her height, weight and build are well known in the industry, she is tall with a tushy round face, this image is exemplified by her long flowing hair, which falls in an elegant waterfall style. Her profession as a teacher, friend and athlete all portray her to be a class apart from most other women in her sport.

The secret to Francesca’s successful sports career is her enthusiasm, professionalism and commitment to her profession. Despite being a professional woman, she maintains an enjoyable personal life by sharing what she knows about the sport with her fellow players and coach. Her knowledge is important to any coach as it helps them identify areas where their player’s weaknesses lie, this helps them develop skills and confidence that improve their game.

The secret in being successful is having a drive and enthusiasm towards anything you choose to do in life. Having these traits is what set Francesca apart from many other players who are competitive at high levels but are not willing to put the work in to hone their skills. She has proved time and again that she is dedicated, intelligent and dedicated, all of these traits help her excel at what she does, she displays a high level of intelligence in all aspects of her life. As a professional woman in the Ladies Golf Association, Francesca must be proud of her achievements, but she is not self-centred, this will enable her to perform to her best at all times. High level competitors have the ability to focus completely on their efforts and excel in their chosen profession.
