Sara Chai


Sara Chaiya, Sivaraj

Kasparov at London Chess, July 2018

Sara Chaiya, I think the game could have ended differently – with or without the draw

Kasparov at London Chess, July 2018

Sara Chaiya, I saw that Svidler had made one move after Kasparov came to the board

Sara Chaiya, I think that Svidler probably wouldn’t have been able to find a move for a draw that would have been acceptable to Magnus

Kasparov at London Chess, July 2018

I was very surprised to see Svidler in white today

Sara Chaiya, In the last round Svidler played better then Kasparov

Kasparov at London Chess, July 2018

Sara Chaiya, In the last round, there was a bit of a struggle between me and Svidler and so both players made mistakes and I had to win anyway

Sari Chaiya, In the last round I said that I had to win so the players must have agreed

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, the game might have wound up differently

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, I wasn’t able to find a solution without winning

Sari Chaiya

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, Magnus seemed very motivated and I must have made the right decision after the start

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, I thought Magnus played well

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, Magnus made some mistakes but he gave me some chances of victory too

Sari Chaiya, In the last round, he played his own way and I made some mistakes but his style, his style, really is good

Sari Chaiya, I think Kasparov at London Chess is very good

Sari Chaiya

Sara Chaiya, In game 4 where I made a lot of mistakes my queen broke, and this happened again later on

Sara Chaiya, In game 4 against Svidler, I was playing a slightly different style. I think the queen always breaks to protect my king. That was the difference

Sara Chaiya, In game 4


Sara Chai

Location: Cape Town , South Africa
Company: UPS
