Sandra Says “I’m Not Fat”


Sandra Santanyes Height is a matter of great controversy and discussion in the United States and all around the world. Height does seem to be a part of who we are and what we do, however there seems to be more to it than many people realize. The media often touts some tall celebrities as examples and these are the people that are constantly paraded. These people are made out to be stars, which only seems to fuel the endless pursuit of attention in any way possible. Height is important and should be considered in these ways but it is not as important as what one is made out to be by the media.

Sandra’s case is a perfect example of what happens when you ignore your true self or base your judgment on appearance. Height alone does not mean anything, as the average person changes length quite regularly due to age, stress, diet, exercise and other variables. Even when Sandra has always been a bit taller than her partner was, it is obvious that there was no specific reason why this would have impacted upon their marital status, or lack thereof. The media continues to promote this myth that marital status or height is something that should be used to judge, stereotype and eliminate from the equation.

Sandra’s story is rather unique and interesting. This case is another perfect example of how what you see is what you get. It is unfortunate that the public has to look to its stereotypes and generalizations in order to define societal norms. As humans, it is so easy to look at someone and judge their personal shortcomings based on something as small and insignificant as their stature, especially in the case of Sandra and her partner. It is our duty to stand up for ourselves and demand that the media respect the personal boundaries of others.
