Sandra Pagola – Is She Too Old?


In the first three articles of this blog, we explored some of the possibilities that age might play on Sandra Pagola’s age. Specifically, we looked at whether age would affect her chances of winning the National Comedy Awards, and whether her lack of movie exposure compared to the great careers enjoyed by younger stars (i.e., Michael Caine, Eddie Murphy) might be a handicap. Both of those issues are still up in the air, but Pagola is adamant that age has been the only detriment to her career. “I’ve had no accidents, no broken bones, no heart attacks, no nothing,” she insists.

The National Comedy Awards is still many months away, and Sandra Pagola continues to work hard to promote her co-stars’ achievements. Her own enthusiasm for the projects she’s worked on with such talented actors as Ed Norton and Steve Martin shows no signs of diminishing. “You have to keep up with the Joneses,” she sighs. But it’s clear that age isn’t playing a role in her decision to remain in public life. Her smile never leaves the face, even when discussing the possibility of another film project with one of her co-stars.

“Age doesn’t matter,” she assures viewers. “The important thing is, you got to find something that’s going to make you happy.” With a sly smile, she adds, “Like a vacation, or sex with a really nice guy.” As she heads into her ninth season on NBC, there is no doubt that Pagola has seen the last of her nine national network appearances, and with the success of “ER” and the box office successes of “The Perfect Storm”, it’s likely that future appearances will follow.
