Sandra Linnell – The Nationality of Partner Offered For Sale in Hanksville, MS by Sandra Linnell


Sandra Linnell is a famous American author, most known for her nineteenth century novels about the adventures of a heroine who lives in the Mississippi Delta. She is a very popular and respected name in the field of romance and has been nominated for many awards for her novels. Her novels also include works about two women, Hildegard of Bingen and her husband, Henry II of England. She was born in Mississippi and later moved to Chicago where she became a writer.

In her early years, while still living in Chicago, Linnell developed a relationship with a man she met in school who was an alcoholic and had been married several times. Shortly after this relationship developed, she began to think about marriage and asked her mother if she could marry him. Her mother knew that she could not since she was not of nationality but agreed to allow Sandra to marry him on the condition that he promise never to get drunk and that they not be intimate while they were married. This was a pretty standard request considering that about a third of all Americans were either foreign or had nationalities other than American.

After making the above arrangement with her mother, Sandra was finally able to marry Henry Linnell III. Two years later, on October 8th, 1887, Sandra gave birth to her fourth child, a daughter named Alma. The wedding was only months away from taking place when tragedy struck. Her husband suffered a stroke and was pronounced dead upon the arrival of his wife. Sandra remained in shock and heartache for over a year before recovering enough to be able to return to her native country, Chicago, to recover from her loss and to begin the long process of healing her shattered heart.
