Sandra Juto, Age Dixie – A Personal Review


There was a big fuss during the 2021 election season about Sandra Juto’s race to become a U.S. Senator. She is the same age as President George W. Bush, and yet in an already heated race she is trying to put herself in a high-powered position at the top of the ticket. The question that I have for you, as a black woman is this; “What will it take for Sandra Juto to be seen as a top black candidate for U.S. Senator in her own party?” In my view, it will not be difficult for her to do just that, but she must understand her situation and I would submit to you that there are many reasons for her to become disqualified if she were to run against President George W. Bush for the Republicans’ presidential nomination. Her race to become a U.S. Senator is a legitimate one, but she has to understand that she will not be considered ‘one of the choices’ if she runs as a Republican.

First, her age. The average age of a black female is 34, which is two years older than President Bush. If Sandra Juto ran as a Democrat she could well become a member of the minority party, but not a U.S. Senator. That will be considered a white privilege for a black woman to seek higher office. So, what does that mean to you if you want to be considered for citizenship as an American?

Her second problem is that she was married twice. It appears that she might have some difficulty proving her marriage to be legitimate. Would she be able to prove that she was never legally married? The courts will not look kindly upon any marriage records that are not ‘documented’. If she were to try to obtain citizenship under those circumstances, her marriage records would not be considered ‘genuine’ and would not be accepted by the courts as valid.
