Sandra Bessudo – Age: 73


Sandra Bessudo Lion serves as an employee of Oceanus International who is employed by the Sales and Marketing Department. Her responsibilities include marketing, management of the Sales force, sales training, technical support of the Sales force as well as sales planning and analysis. She has also held the position of Manager of the Marketing division which is responsible for the overall marketing strategy and product development. Bessudo is described by her as someone with an “impeccable” organizational skill.

Sandra Bessudo was born in COLOMBIA PATAIC, COLUMBIA DE RESERPO (Colombia), the second child of parents who are from COLOMBIA. She grew up studying aquatic and marine life while being immersed in the culture of her country, GERICO. Sandra’s career choices have spanned many fields and over four decades. Bessudo started as a student nurse before advancing to a career that would see her working in hospitals, research facilities and sales positions. Today, Bessudo is still involved in the sales industry and as a mother and writer, she looks back on her career with fond memories.

Sandra Bessudo is described as an interesting person who is passionate about life and people. As an individual, Bessudo is passionate about Nationality, the earth, water and marine life. She has displayed her interest in Nationality throughout her career as well as a mother, daughter and friend. She holds several Nationality credentials that include being a Green Belt Educator, certified nursing assistant, nursing manager and health care specialist. Sandra Bessudo’s passion for Nationality shows through her writing, which includes articles on how to be an effective Nationality and parent as well as her much loved children’s books on Nationality, race relations and diversity.
