Sadia Ceng


Sadia Cengiz said in the meeting that they had a “good idea” on the need for more security and needed to discuss how to do so, adding that they were going to meet “more often, more closely” to work this out.

Cengiz urged Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to set up a National Intelligence Bureau and a Central Coordination Office to coordinate all intelligence and security across the country and not restrict the exercise to the areas of Punjab and Sindh where Pakistan is fighting the international terror group ISIS.

According to the statement released earlier, Mushahid Ali Shah Geelani had also expressed dismay over the growing scope and number of cases under various terror laws. He suggested that they meet once again to discuss the issues in depth and come up with a way out, as they were “caught between a rock and a hard place.”

After the discussions concluded, two members of the committee met with officials of Interior Ministry and said that a new structure of National Counter Terrorism Authority (NCTA) was not needed and suggested an amendment to provisions of Pakistan Penal Code which stipulated “no person shall be tried for offences which are not expressly provided for in the Code.”

The members of the committee and members of the committee of Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Mian Aftab Khan Niazi and Chief Justice of Pakistan, Justice Fauzia Janjua Mushtaq, were appointed to the committee by the prime minister. They meet regularly to discuss the need for security, coordination and legislation.

The meeting also discussed the proposal of the government to form a Joint Working Group to deal with terrorism.

Sadia Ceng

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Company: X5 Retail Group