Russian Woman Born in Saint Petersburg


Maria Kochetkova was born in Saint Petersburg (Petersburg Oblast’ svyotov), Russia. She is also known by the names Vasiliira and Vasiliev. After completing her ballet training at the Lynton School, Kochetkova left to study with the renowned Katchan Theater in London. Kochetkova has also studied ballet with some of the finest dancers of Europe. In 2021 she was made a partner with Olga Polivka, a famous Russian actress. Maria Kochetkova became known as a specialist ballet dancer with a strong national and international reputation.

Maria Kochetkova began her professional dancing career at the age of 18 at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory. After that she spent one year studying dance with Maxim Potipols who had a very good reputation as a leading Russian contemporary choreographer. While at the conservatory she met Andree Putulin who introduced her to choreography by Vasili Ovetzky. At that time Kochetkova was studying with Vasili Ovetzky who was teaching at the Institute ofballetic Sciences in St Petersburg.

In 2021 she travelled to Paris, where she took part in the International Dance Festival in the Palais des Beaux-arts. There she met Maxim Potipols who invited her to spend a few months in his country at his villa near Saint Petersburg. They decided to get together there every chance they got. As a result Maria Kochetkova became a very popular ballet dancer and even won several competitions both in Russia and abroad. She has since become known as a choreographer and model as well.
