Review – Partner: Re-Ignite the Life and Love of Your Spouse by Cindy Paola


Cindy Paola is a talented writer with the ability to draw you in with her stories. Born in Barbados, she has spent most of her life living in and around the Caribbean. She is an accomplished writer with over 30 books for children and adults. In her writing, Cindy uses all different mediums, from print to the Internet, to help you develop and nurture strong relationships. Her main book is entitled “Partner: Re-Ignite the Life and Love of Your Spouse,” and it is full of helpful techniques to keep your marriage strong.

A big part of her work deals with her own height difference from her husband, which made her have a hard time dating in many places. She has addressed this issue head-on in this book by providing a plan for how you can overcome your height difference. Another key aspect of her book is, how you can utilize the differences in your height to your advantage to improve your dating life. For example, if you are naturally short, then you can use your short stature to your advantage, such as asking a taller man out on a date or showing him that you prefer to sit with him.

The last aspect of “Partner: Re-Ignite the Life and Love of Your Spouse” addresses nationalities. The author has four nationalities in her life, so this is important material that could not be covered in a shorter book. The key point is that everyone has their own unique qualities and characteristics, and these must be used to your advantage in order to get your partner to fall in love with you. For example, a Filipino woman might not be able to relate to a Canadian man, even though both men and women are of the same nationality. The writer covers nationalities in a very easy-going way, making this a fun read. Overall, this is a quick read that teaches you a few key ways to make your own love life better.
