Review of the hilarious Love Socks Movie


Review of the hilarious Love Socks Movie

Love Socks follows the intimate interplay and interactions of individual loves, which bring nature’s oddities to sharp focus before slapping them onto the face with the infamous funny-stick. Adorably played by Anne Hathaway and directed by David Fincher (who made Chicago, Zodiac) – who also made The Game), Love Socks is a funny romantic comedy directed by two of today’s most noted comedians. It’s a film you should definitely watch – the first in a long series of David Fincher directed films that hopefully we’ll get to see more of soon. Suffice it to say that, for those looking for some light hearted entertainment amidst all the horror flicks this summer, this one might be just what you’re looking for…

When an estranged couple moves to a secluded mountain retreat to try and heal their love for each other, they quickly find themselves caught up in the all too common problem of jealousy. With lots of acting out and plenty of laughs, Love Socks manages to combine the aforementioned elements into a fun romantic comedy. The film begins with a series of awkward and ridiculous set-ups, as the two couples perform their acts of lovemaking: one is a strip tease, while the other puts on a karaoke performance. The two couples eventually end up sharing a bed together after which they engage in a passionate love making session. It’s just when the two are about to consummate their love that they discover a large striped blanket with 2 large stripes attached to the underside of the blanket.

The reason the two couples are so taken by this oddity rests in how each party views the situation: Adam (Kevin Pollack) is the guy that would never accept a woman sleeping with him, while Holly (Dana Barron) is the girl that always seems to get rejected by men. Because of this, Adam gets quite agitated whenever someone even suggests sleeping with either of them. In addition to being angry at their friends, he feels like he can’t trust anyone in general, since most people will be up to no good. To further complicate matters, both men and women are suspicious of each other, which leads to a series of ridiculous scenes that will have anyone watching confused. Fortunately, though, Love Socks manages to transition between the ridiculous, yet real situations and the feelings of each of the characters have for each other, making it a fun watch no matter how serious the content.
