Review of the Career-Defining Career of Emma Hill


Emma Hill (aka Emmett Brady) was an assistant to late director Sam Hanks in the early stages of his career. She is one of a handful of notable actresses of her era that managed to maintain a varied filmography, working with a number of renowned directors. Emmett Brady is known for being a versatile actor, whose career spanned four decades, from occurring in one movie to another until her untimely death at the age of 33. Her extensive resume, which also includes guest appearances in such unlikely establishments as spaghetti westerns, martial arts movies, and animated films, established her as one of the best of a new generation of actresses. Height of Fame, which chronicles the many accomplishments of women in the height of their careers, is undoubtedly more successful as an ensemble cast than any of Bradyโ€™s films and includes such notable actresses as Hope Deverton, Susan Sarandon, Andrea Simpson.

Height of Fame follows the fortunes of an intriguing young woman who falls for a charmingly unconventional older man. Paul develops a deep and lasting friendship with Emma, who teaches him much about himself and about love. The audience identifies with Emmaโ€™s passion for art and life, and her unrequited feelings for her boyfriend (nicknamed โ€œMaxโ€), an artistic figure whom she barely knows. The film turns out to be a coming of age story about how Paulโ€™s own transformation into a fully-grown man is mirrored in his sudden attraction to a much younger woman.

The film received poor reviews upon its release, and it is often pointed out as a product of the times. But these days, Hollywood canโ€™t afford to ignore strong female characters, and The Height of Fame belongs among the best films directed by movies like Bridesmaids, Wedding Crashers, and zeitgeist-friendly romantic comedies like Meet the Parents. For those looking for a break from the usual (or who simply prefer female actors playing opposite male actors in loud, over the top Hollywood blockbusters), then The Height of Fame might be worth a look. As one of the more romantic and intimate films of its kind, it offers a refreshing view of what a relationship could be like. The movieโ€™s success would do much to prove that Hollywood shouldnโ€™t take itself and its female characters for granted.
