Review of Natasha Sass


Natasha Sass is a Nationality, she is an American. At birth, her parents immigrated to the United States from Germany where they both became naturalized citizens in less than two weeks. Natasha was raised in Maryland as an only child of German parents. She was homeschooled for the first six years of her life. Her mother struggled through more than sixty deliveries of Natas because there were not many opportunities for working women in the Natatoriums.

As a result, Natasha began working in a factory in order to help support the family. While at the age of eighteen she was employed as a typist in the Loudoun County Public Library. In that position she developed the much known โ€œhandshake techniqueโ€ which has enabled many Americans to successfully practice their Natalian heritage by shaking hands with others when greeting those who are native born. She worked in many local offices including the Veterans Administration building and in the local National Park Service.

When the President of the Natatorium finally announced plans to honor all veterans via a scholarship program, Natas allowed herself to consider accepting the scholarship offered. After all, it was the very least she could do for the service provided to so many American heroes and their families. After accepting the scholarship, Natasha went on to become a teacher in a high school in Fairfax, Virginia and then a writer. The writerโ€™s focus shifted to writing articles about the Natatorium and its history. In that career she discovered that many of her co-workers at the Natatorium were also proud of their heritage and their country and after that experience, Natasha decided to write a book about the Natatorium and her experiences that would share the wealth of her Natatorium experience with future generations.
