Relationship Advice For Younger People – Advice For Meghan Hardin


Meghan Hardin was born in Texas in 1979. Meghan is a graduate of Texas Christian University. Meghan’s Christian education helped her to find the perfect career that would fit her personality and beliefs. Meghan is currently a practicing chiropractor in Fort Worth, Texas. After becoming a chiropractor, she then went on to write about her experiences in her book called “Chronicles of Hope: A Life Journey Through the Cholesterol Cure.”

Age is something that all of us deal with at one point or another. Many of us have married young, had children early on, and then had to wait for our golden years before we retired. Age is just a number, but it shouldn’t be used as a reason for not being able to love someone or hold down a job. Many people use this excuse for not living their lives to the fullest because they feel that they don’t have the time to be everything to someone. That is simply not true!

Holding down a job and living a social life is important. However, sometimes the two don’t always mesh well and that is when people start wondering what their next steps should be. For Meghan, that the next step was to marry and start a family. Although age didn’t deter her from being a wife and mother, being in a different nationalities didn’t seem to phase her into giving love and tending to her husband and children. While there are many reasons why relationships and marriages fail, age shouldn’t be one of them.
