Quan Kimura


Quan Kimura in the world of gaming has been a player and creator of action RPGs. In his role with Final Fantasy XV, he was responsible for many of the game’s key scenes, such as the final battle with the Black Beast in the Final Fantasy VII final dungeon. He recently revealed more about his role in the game and its story.

Final Fantasy XV includes the first-ever role play with a virtual character. And, for the first time, you can take part in a storyline that’s not based on an existing story.

If you can call it that, Square Enix has said that the game is a game for all generations, including parents who simply couldn’t get enough of the classic action-RPGs of the past, including the Final Fantasy series. In a talk with GameReactor, Kimura went into detail about what he is doing with Final Fantasy XV.

It’s been 20 years since Final Fantasy VI, “the Final Fantasy series began its adventure…”

I think FF VI is what everybody remembers the game for. It was released for the Game Boy Color in Japan on June 30, 1989. It did really well and people liked it. So the idea that the Final Fantasy VI adventure [in FF VII] would be incorporated in Final Fantasy XV and would be part of the series, I thought was great.

Even now, I still think about it. The whole production process was so enjoyable. There were a lot of requests from the fans, so we went through it and changed it. However it was going on, there’s this huge sense of accomplishment that I’m still feeling. Like, “I was able to complete Final Fantasy VII.”

I think Square Enix got its idea from some stuff that Tomoya [Tabata, the director of FFVII], Yasumi Matsuno, and I did in the earlier days of our company, so we could also play around in ideas of what we had going. I believe what we came up with was, “Hey, I thought there was something we could do.”

[When Square Enix got its idea of bringing FF7 to life]

The world of FE is very old. If you take into consideration that it’s a world that’s 200 years old, it seems like it’s been around since then too. So in that case, we did a lot of research into how we would implement the FF series in that type of world. A

Quan Kimura

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Company: Industrial & Commercial Bank of China