Professionalism and Creativity


Caroline Lupini is an Italian fashion designer and it would be safe to assume that her creations are geared toward women of a certain sex. She began her career at the age of twenty, after working for several years in marketing. Following her time at the advertising agency, she pursued a degree in Fashion Design at Pace University in New York City. There, she was a student of the famous illustrator Rubens Carle and she used this training as a launching pad for her career as a designer. Her first work as a fashion designer was in the modeling and advertising fields and as such, her bold sense of style made her the perfect fit for a number of different projects.

A career as a model should prove to you that nothing is impossible. In her case, however, the odds were against her. Growing up in a family that encouraged traditional gender roles, Caroline always felt she was somewhat of a sub-par model and didnโ€™t feel as though she really had a chance with some of the more โ€œfeminineโ€ roles. It wasnโ€™t until she began working with fashion designers that she finally became confident enough to submit to some of the shoots that would increase her confidence.

One of the many challenges that an artist faces as they progress in their careers is height. Even if you are in a constant height competition, as many women are in the modeling business, sometimes there is still something that seems to remain a mystery to your clients. Being tall has become such a part of the image of an artist that often times the height issue is used by the companies and photographers to help them define the kind of person that you are. While many may not have had that particular problem when they were young, that certainly is no longer the case.
