Professional Woman


Isabel Sepanic is a professional in the Spanish National Police Force, one of the most high profile and sensitive jobs in the Spanish Government. She is married to the Managing Director of La Gamailla newspaper group and has a son, Jonny, born in 1995. Isabel is a national of Spain, who was brought up as a Catholic but has now converted to the Church of the Savoy. She is an avid solicitor and a practicing barrister. Her official profile states that she is a qualified accountant and also works as a consultant.

This professional woman is well-known for her height and personality. She is a national of Spain with the highest degree of posts in the Spanish Police Force. She has been in this profession for almost 30 years now and is highly qualified with regard to knowledge and experience. She has served in a variety of posts such as undersecretary of internal affairs, then director of the civil police, the director of the judicial police and finally, currently holding the position of assistant to the Secretary of State. She is very close to her husband, who is a serving member of the Catalan regional police force.

The public’s perception of the marriage between Isabel Sepanic and her partner is complicated, considering the fact that her official record does not reveal anything about her height. The only concrete information that can be ascertained is the description given by her son of their relationship. He said that his mother always told him that she was 5ft 11ins tall. However, her official records do not contain any details regarding her height and this is the reason why people have different ideas about her. There are rumors that say that her father had some sort of financial problem and could not support their demands for their daughter and as a result she had to look for work. The marriage happened just after her marriage to Jonny, who is almost 6ft 11ins in height.
