Police Look Into Birth Date Problem In Emma Wo Case


Emma Wo, currently the assistant chief of police for Hawaii’s State Police and currently a department counsel for Hilo Police Department have been in the news recently. A former Miss Universe, Emma Wo lost her title due to violating the code of conduct as she was accepting state police gifts. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser carried her name for four pages in a story and the paper ran a piece saying she used her position to get special treatment. Now we see that there is an investigation into the police department for using her title in their promotional emails as well as official ones.

What makes Emma Wo such a big deal? Is it her height, her white skin and the blonde hair? Or perhaps the millions of dollars in jackpot prizes won during her seven Miss Hawaii USA Pageant? It seems to me that something went wrong with these winners and there may be some wrong doing at the State Police or the Hawaii State Police are covering something up or perhaps we will never know what the real problem is and who is going to fix it? In hindsight, I think it was poor communication from the top down. Apparently Hawaii State Police now has a new top dog in Chief Hanalei Key, but this does not mean the current problem of bad police business is going away anytime soon.

Emma Wo’s name is all over the news recently as she has become the center of controversy for cheating on her husband Mark Key with an African American male friend. She has been married to Ken for 30 years and was most recently divorced after Key learned that Emma had an affair with another man. While she claimed to have no regrets about her decision to end their marriage, the fact remains that she had a difficult time accepting the fact that her friend had died in childbirth. Emma Wo has always maintained her innocence, despite the fact that people around her have viewed her as a liar and cheating wife.
