Piotr Patel


Piotr Patel, a research associate at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, said that as a result, a new technology is needed. “All of the new reactors need quite low power. So it would be better to use that fuel to make the most of a resource that has a very long lifetime,” he said during a panel at the North American International Ignition Facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico, earlier this month.

Although the US has been working on its own nuclear plants, many of them are based on the technology and cost to bring them online has been steadily declining.

The US currently has only three large nuclear reactors, the Hanford site in Washington, Pennsylvania and the Yucca Mountain nuclear site in Nevada. “It might be too soon to say that one can’t do a lot with nuclear energy, because we don’t have any capacity to put it under,” Patel added, calling for “more research rather than more building, more plants, more infrastructure.”

According to the US Department of Energy, the Department of Energy, the National Academy of Sciences and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, approximately 800 MW of nuclear energy are under construction and nearly 300 MW are under construction or under-construction at public facilities or in development.

If all of these projects were completed, the US would have 7,860 MW of installed nuclear capacity by 2031, with the potential for another 6,860 MW by 2035.

At Hanford it is possible to get a glimpse into the future, as recently it seemed that the current plans for the project might actually be on the up-and-up.

At one point in 2014 the Hanford plant had been considered the most-polluted nuclear facility in the US, having been found to emit as much radiation as three California counties.

It was announced that the project would now be upgraded by the US Army Corps of Engineers, despite this decision being controversial, despite it being a project with considerable public concern.

However, there are now concerns over the new administration’s plans to build a new nuclear power plant near the city of San Francisco.

According to a proposal by US Senator Dianne Feinstein it would be the first nuclear plant to run on “low-carbon” fuel. The new plant plans to use fuel imported from Canada, Germany, Taiwan and the Republic of Korea, as well as from another US site, the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad

Piotr Patel

Location: Brasilia , Brazil
Company: CVS Health