Peru’s Most Popular Fashion Trends


Peru’s Most Popular Fashion Trends

One of the first things you’ll notice about many Peruvian fashion trends, for example the dress shoes and sandals worn by both men and women, are a great contrast to the concrete supports that line many of the roads in the cities of Lima and Quenqo. The reason that this trend is so popular is simple – concrete supports are generally not good for walking on, as they are very firm. However, when you slip your feet into some new style boots or a dress, the world instantly knows that you have been walking in some sort of sandal with concrete supports. This is one of the most common trends which can be seen in both Quenqo and Lima. One particular trend which is particularly notable in Quenqo and the surrounding area is the use of what are known as “cacerolls” – these are very brightly colored, bright-colored shoes that are worn as sandals and are literally made from a series of brightly colored, vividly crafted stone slabs.

Another one of the most widely-seen and eye-catching Peruvian fashion trends is the clothing and jewelry worn by both men and women. No matter where you go in Lima or Quenqo, it is very easy to spot people wearing traditional clothing such as sandals, dresses and clothes made from cloth. What’s more unusual than the fact that these clothes are usually very expensive. Of course, you can’t really expect to walk around the streets of any city in the world without coming across a middle-aged, middle-class couple walking in the stilettos or a group of ladies all wearing the same color dress (usually white) with ornate headdresses and earrings. However, what’s also unusual is the fact that these people are expected to look this way!

What’s also interesting about Peruvian fashion trends is that the women who traditionally wear more elaborate and elaborately designed clothing are now slowly and steadily changing to the more conservative look. The fact is that they simply don’t have the money to buy expensive clothing anymore. One reason why is that their jobs are now so much harder and less profitable that many Peruvian workers today find themselves surviving on what they make as small amounts of income (or sometimes none at all). That doesn’t mean, however, that they’re not working – they’re just working in a much different field. Fortunately, there are now a number of Peruvian fashion designers whose work takes place primarily in Lima or Quenqo. The women who wear these designs now aren’t necessarily poor, but they’ve also learned to strike a balance between working and having fun at the same time.
