Personality Traits – Francisca FloresstylebyThree


Francisca FloresstylebyThree’s Nationality: Being a dual national of Dominican and American nationality, she has lived most of her life in the United States. Her status was never denied when she decided to seek love with a black man in Africa. When one compares the racial demographics of both Africa and the United States, it is easy to see why her racial identity was never in question.

Age: The woman herself is 67 years old, which is not a very old at all considering how long dating sites have been around. The fact that she chose African man as her partner and got married to him to keep her heritage does not speak well for her attractiveness or her desirability as a partner. On the other hand, the age of her three-year-old partner poses as a disadvantage since he too is only a child. In the past, people marrying young were thought of as promiscuous but nowadays young partners are considered as dependable since they have more experience and are already matured enough to find a wife who will be good for them both.

Personality: Francisca is an extremely talkative woman with a large vocabulary. She is very protective of her family, particularly her four-year old grandchild. She considers marriage as the highest privilege in her life and has absolutely no qualms about sharing her deepest thoughts and feelings to her chosen partner. This, paired with her gorgeous physical features, makes her an ideal candidate for an online dating service since she would likely become the prime target of many users. Once her relationship with her partner is secure, Francisca will not hesitate to share her personal opinions and thoughts on anything that she chooses to write about, including her likes and dislikes in general.
