Personal Training vs Personal Coaching


Francesca Omorogbe is a professionally known Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor, with an extensive list of Jiu Jitsu accomplishments to her credit. However, in recent years her career has taken off and she has developed into one of the best Self-Employed motivational speakers on the planet. It has been said that if you want to motivate your employees or business partners then you should look at the careers of those who are succeeding – look at Francesca Omorogbe. She has made her living as an inspirational speaker and teacher – she has earned a university degree in English and has also spent time as a reporter for different media in both Europe and the United States. But what does it take to be able to achieve such high levels of achievement and why has she achieved them? In this article we shall look at this and more from the perspective of a professional Personal Coach.

The first thing that defines Personal Coaches is their ability to challenge assumptions. Whether that is making assumptions about themselves or others or having the courage to ask the tough questions necessary to change those assumptions, Personal Coaches are by nature a humble bunch. They have a very independent outlook on life and really do believe that every success story starts with the individual. If a person thinks they can just leap straight to the top of the corporate ladder without any real work behind them, then they may find that they fall flat on their face. It’s all about mindset and having a vision of where you want to be. As Francesca Omorogbe says “The journey not only brings you data but also understanding that is priceless”.

Another trait that defines a Personal Coach is their willingness to be honest and their willingness to set aside their own ego in order to help their students become the best that they can be. You will notice that Francesca Omorogbe is very clear about the importance of educating yourself. She wants people to get more out of their education and to be better educated so that they can contribute more to society. As she once said “If you want to climb up the corporate ladder or move to the next level of your business, you need more than a degree. You need hands-on experience”. A Personal Coach can teach you to acquire the knowledge and skills that you need to attain these goals and can guide you through the process as well.
