Personal Success and the Ashley Emiko Family


Ashley Emiko is a Japanese-American Pediatrician and Pediatric Medical Assistant who has been practicing for the past 23 years. She was born in California; in neither case of being dual American Japanese. Although she grew up in California, her Japanese parents did not wish to have her called American (Ashley came from Japanese parents). Consequently, Ashley was forced to go by her given name: Ashley. But as she grew older and in more countries began to accept the term” Ashley” as her title, it became increasingly clear that her real name was Ashley Emiko; thus, her title “Ashley Emiko”. But it was not until her move to Japan that this would change; at this point, she considered herself to be a Japanese national.

Ashley Emiko’s career is an interesting example of diversity within the American educational system. Unlike most doctors, who are hired on experience; in the case of Ashley, the path to this career path did not begin with a medical degree. Her story is therefore an interesting contrast to that of doctors like St. Clair Avi or Richard Lapetine; both of whom were celebrated academicians whose only real area of expertise was in pediatrics. In contrast to these examples, Ashley Emiko did not begin her career as a doctor until she was forty-two years of age; therefore, when compared to other medical professionals, she ranks fairly high in the field of medicine. However, the reasons for her success are manifold; considering that she could not have been expected to land a job in the academic community without a special talent for her chosen profession.

For someone who started out as a typical sixteen-year-old struggling with peer pressure, to pursue such a non-traditional career in the academic community is a source of pride and accomplishment; thus, proving that one can use their natural born talent to fulfill a social purpose. Ashley Emiko’s personal life also serves as a good example of what can happen when the path to personal happiness is blocked. Although she had friends in various aspects of her life, she was often confronted with internal conflicts between her religious faith and her desire to maintain her own sense of personal integrity. Despite this, she was determined to follow her passion; thus, even when it was inappropriate in public. As an example of overcoming social barriers to success, this case illustrates that personal willpower is more than capable of surmounting any barrier put in front of you.
