Pediatrician, Pediatric Assistant, and Graduate Studies Teacher


Adriana Peluso is a name that is certainly new and fresh to many. Born in Folcora, Brazil (in a family where six children already exist) to parents that were Brazilian, Adriana grew up immersed in the culture and values of her Brazilian birthright. She was named after her mother, who is also of Brazilian nationality. Adriana grew up learning how to respect everyone, both in the streets and the comforts of her home, and was always open to learning and improvement of herself. As she grew older, the scope of her education expanded to include martial arts, ballet, music, dance, drawing, and above all, philosophy, as it was the philosophy of life that she found most fulfilling. And as she entered her thirties, at which time she was celebrating the completion of her education, she found a new goal – she wanted to help Brazilian women achieve equality with their male counterparts, and in doing so; teach them the true meaning of beauty.

So began a long journey to achieving this goal. But even as Adriana began to understand what it took to truly become a Philosophy professor, she still wasn’t satisfied with that particular line of work, and felt there wasn’t enough diversity in her field. When her students asked her about a career as a teacher or professor, her answer was clear – she wanted to be a role model for them, someone who would give them hope and an example of what real living and thriving entails. Thus she earned her doctorate in Education and pursued her teaching career, becoming a Partner in Education with Planned Parenthood, and serving as a Policy Analyst for the Advancement of Reproductive Health. However, her greatest desire and calling came from when she decided to pursue a career as a Pediatrician, and Pediatric Assistant with a specialty in newborn care.

Adriana Peluso is a very unique woman, a true artisan of life, the product of a humble origin (she was born in Brazil), raised to become a true Brazilian. And though her internationalism and dedication to her profession have kept her grounded and focused on what she truly loves, at times those goals have been very far away from her heart and mind. This is what keeps her going – her commitment to helping others find hope, inspiration, and a new path in their lives, regardless of the level of education they may possess, or even their nationalities. If you are looking for a graduate school teacher, planner, researcher, consultant, therapist, consultant, or pedicurist, you should know that you can trust Adriana Peluso to help guide you on your journey.
