“Partners: Choosing Speed, Success, and Intimacy” By Lisa Perrin


One of the more interesting things I have read regarding relationships and dating is Lisa Perrin’s book called,” Partners: Choosing Speed, Success, and Intimacy”. In this book, Ms. Perrin presents an effective model of how to get into a successful relationship regardless of nationalities, heights, ages or other physical factors. Although some relationships are more successful than others, regardless of physical differences, they all require a certain amount of common ground. Although people differ on the types of relationships they seek, there must be a basic level of communication and respect for one another in order for a relationship to work. For those who seek a relationship with someone outside their own race, could they be seeking a partner with a different racial heritage, sexual orientation, etc?

The book “Partners: Choosing Speed, Success, and Intimacy” provides some insight into how to successfully seek a partner of the right nationalities, heights, ages or even similar personality characteristics. It also provides tips on how to choose a partner of the same career type, regardless of their height, age, or gender. It seems like Lisa Perrin does not put race or sexual preference into her model for relationships and does not judge those that do not fit her model. This in itself makes the book even more valuable. For example, if you were looking for a partner to go into business with, could you assume that the business would be based around your height and/or age? Perhaps, but if you were looking for a partner into an artistic career, could you assume that the career would be based around your art degree?

One of the things I love about Ms. Perrin’s” Partners” is that she provides so much practical advice. Age is of course a factor, but it certainly is not the only or biggest determining factor. Height and weight are certainly important and there are many things to consider when one is trying to find a partner. ” Partners: Choosing Speed, Success, and Intimacy” provides great advice for anyone who is dating or wants a partner. It provides ideas on what to look for in a potential partner, as well as giving practical advice on what to do in order to keep a successful and happy relationship alive and thriving.
