Partnering With Ashley Wilke


Ashley Wilke is currently the Nationality Relations Coaching at Ashley Wilkes Reigate in the United Kingdom. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from University of Manchester and is currently working as a Clinical Director at The National Health Service (NHS) in Manchester. Her area of specialty is Community Health, having worked for the NHS in various capacities. Ms. Wilke is originally from Scotland but has now become a UK citizen. This is not her full title, as she has also worked in Australia, New Zealand and in the US.

Ms. Wilke states that her passion for her work stems from the fact that it is not just community health that is at stake but nationality, race and age as well. “HPVA stands for Health Portrait Analysis” she states, and this is where her role as a coach comes in. Her services include interviewing people of different nationalities and age groups to identify patterns and risk factors that can cause health issues and this in turn leads to prevention strategies and community-based strategies for addressing these issues. For example, there is a particular vulnerability to diabetes if one is Scottish or African American. Similarly, age-related diseases such as arthritis and coronary heart disease are common among elderly people.

Ashley Wilke is very aware of the need to balance confidentiality with an effective approach. Her consultancy works with partners from diverse nationalities and ages; she is committed to building strong relationships with all parties while building trust and understanding. Each of the main areas of her practice deals with issues specific to the partner concerned; this may be age, nationality or even sex, which plays a crucial role in the process of diagnosis and prevention. Her work will be focussed on the health of the partners and their families. This is a very challenging yet rewarding profession which takes into consideration a diversity of ages, nationalities and ethnic backgrounds and that challenges assumptions about the role and place of ethnicity in modern society.
