Partner In Pursuit Of The Perfect Body With Sandra Klukova


Sandra Klukova is a name that rings a bell for many people with great careers. Her many achievements have earned her the titles of” tallest Russian woman” and” tallest Nationality Woman” in the world. She was born in Ukraine and studied abroad in England, receiving an MBE and a knighthood. She currently runs her own business, serving as an executive coach and volleyball coach at a facility for international students.

Most people will only think of partners who have titles like “best ever Miss Universe” or “world’s best weightlifter” but there is so much more to her than that. In fact, she is certified in nutrition and has a Master’s Degree in Human anatomy and physiology from Rada University in Russia. She has a BA in marketing and has worked as a researcher and teacher in the areas of nutrition and law. All of this adds up to a woman who knows her way around health, fitness, and being a role model, so it’s no wonder that Sandra is a partner in a popular company that has a myriad of clients and athletes.

If you are a person of size and want to gain muscle mass and bulk, you should consider adding weight training into your program. There are a variety of programs that have been created just for people looking for that kind of assistance. For example, you can take a course that will give you advice on diet and nutrition and give you pointers on the best exercises to use to add size and strength to your body. You can find out what you need to know about dieting and nutrition by reading a book, watching a video, or by contacting a nutritionist, a doctor, or a weightlifting coach.
